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Our family started when we got married on July 21, 2006. We became a family of three when our son Owen was born on April 15, 2009.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

7 Months!

Well Owen reached 7 months already on Sunday... he's still not crawling, but he can get his knees up underneath him and lunge forward! The only problem with this is that he usually face-plants into whatever he's trying to move toward. :) I'm only partially looking forward to him being able to crawl... on the one side, he'll probably be happier because he can actually get around instead of getting stuck on his tummy. On the other side, I'm going to have to do some MAJOR baby-proofing! I already have to make sure I keep checking on him if I set him on the floor, because I'll put him by his toys and within 5 minutes he's on the other side of the room trying to eat the dog's toy!
He has reached a different milestone today, though - when I felt his gums this morning I felt two sharp little points! So his teeth have finally cut through! I can't see them, but I'm pretty sure they're both through because I feel 2 points.
Well that's all for today... just thought I would post a quick update.

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